Travel + Leisure Touts Tourissimo Culinary Cycling Tour

Travel + Leisure highlighted Tourissimo' s culinary cycling tour of Sardinia, Italy hosted by award-winning chef Gabrielle Hamilton.The story said, "Lovers of food and cycling, this new bike tour of Sardinia, Italy, is the 2023 trip for you."Tourissimo co-founder Beppe Salerno was quoted saying, "Many travelers describe Sardinia as being a continent unto itself, with each area and town having diverse landscapes and local traditions. Most of the recipes and dishes are surprisingly different from other areas of Italy, such as filindeu, the 'thread of god,' a special pasta considered the rarest in the world."Sardinia is one of the world's five "Blue Zones" — a place where people supposedly live the longest. The Italian island was the first Blue Zone identified by researcher Dan Buettner, who coined the term back in 2004.


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